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Almost 100 questions for the Almost famous poet

1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged (not including me)?

2. Have you taken someone’s virginity?
Yes, a long time ago.

3. What are you excited for?
Every waking moment.

4. What happened this morning?
I got up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head, I made my way downstairs and drank a cup and looking up, I noticed I was late…

5. What colour are your pants?
Today they are black and not pants, boxers…tight ones.

6. When was the last time you had coffee?
A few hours ago, another one due soon…mmm coffee.

7. When was the last time you had a nightmare?
Last week, I was falling.

8. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
Hmm…I doubt it but who knows?

9. Are you in a good mood?
Always, nothing makes me smile more than a new day.

10. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
As of yet I have no plans, what would you like to do darling?

11. What are you going to spend money on next?

12. Are you having difficulty writing a new poem?
No, they are all in my head just waiting to be written.

13. When was the last time you cried?
Recently, I watched The Princess Bride.

14. Would you ever want to swim naked?

15. Who do you take after, your mom or your dad?
My dad, but I have my mothers temper.

16. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
A joke a co-worker told me, I can not repeat it.

17. Do you really, truly miss someone now?
Yes, with an aching heart.

18. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
Yes, every day at my desk for notes.

19. How do you really feel about twitter?
I love it, I really do, I just wish I could give it more time.

20. If you could be one of the characters in the mentalist who would you be? Jane, Rigsby or Cho?

21. Do you remember which poem you wrote for me?
How could I forget, the words resonate in my head as we speak.

22. What does fame mean to you?
As I am not famous, nothing…yet.

23. Most awkward moment in high school?
My first kiss.

24. Most awkward moment on a date?
Forgetting her name.

25. What do you want right this second?

26. Who was the last person you danced with?
My Muse, Sunday afternoon in my kitchen.

27. Would you ever consider moving to Mars?

28. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Of course.

29. Listening to?
Take That – Back for Good, on the radio.

30. Do you tan in the nude?
Thankfully no.

31. What was the last thing you cooked?
A roast dinner, unless you count toast.

32. What was the name of the last pet you owned?

33. Would you consider moving to another country when necessary for your job?
If it was a remarkable amount of money and little responsibility yes.
Otherwise no.

34. Are you right or left-handed?

35. How long are you in the shower in the mornings?
Depends who’s with me.

36. Can you carry a tune?
I say yes, others say no.

37. Would you say you’re a religious man?

38. Have you seen the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s?

39. Does your voice sound like Morgan Freeman? (Minus the American accent)

40. Do you have large hands?
A fair size, yes.

41. What size feet do you have?

42. Do you sing in the car?
Yes, loud and proud.

43. When was the last time you ate chocolate?
Sunday afternoon.

44. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Ha-ha, No not at all!

45. Ever eat a pierogi?
I can’t even pronounce it…

46. Favourite type of fruit pie?

47. Do you believe in ghosts?

48. Do you believe in angels?
Of course. Yes. But only certain ones…

49. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Bounty Hunter.

50. What do you wear to bed?
Shorts, sometimes.

51. What was the last movie you watched?

52. Have you ever been to Russia?

53. Do you like to watch cooking programs?
Yes. Masterchef.

54. Do you find answering these questions difficult?

55. Which museum did you visit last?
The Reich’s Museum, which was the last proper museum I went to.

56. When were you last annoyed by something/someone?
About three hours ago.

57. Do you cut your toenails?

58. Ever have a Déjà-vu feeling?
Haven’t you just said that?

59. Favourite George Michael song?
Spinning the Wheel.

60. Did you learn to do the moonwalk?
No but I do a great Electric Slide.

61. Most awkward twitter request?
I can’t say I’ve found any awkward.

62. If you could be a Disney cartoon, which one would you be?
Sebastian the Lobster.

63. Can you curl your tongue?

64. Favourite animal?

65. Last concert you went?
Basement Jaxx.

66. Ever been in love?

67. Apples or pears?

68. Superman or Batman?

69. Have you ever watched a soap opera on TV?

70. Your true opinion on Oprah Winfrey?
I am not a fan.

71. Which Heroes (TV series) ability would you would like to possess?
To paint the future.

72. Do you believe in the evolution theory?

73. Have you ever been to a zoo?
Of course, yes.

74. What was the last item you bought?

75. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?

76. Do you believe the king is still alive? (Elvis)
Yes, that would be great!

77. Do you believe that vampires are real?

78. Have you seen one of the Twilight series?

79. Rom-com or Horror?

80. Have you done something you regret?

81. Favourite drink?
Dark Rum.

82. Sushi or Pizza?
Pizza Dude!

83. Have you ever been to Italy?

84. Do you know how to play an instrument?

85. Hot tea or cold tea?

86. Are you patient?

87. EBook or paperback?

88. Ios or Android?

89. If you could ride a Formula-1 for which team it would be?

90. Which are better black or green olives?

91. Are you good at mathematics?
Yes, quite good.

92. Pork or Beef?

93. Which term of endearment did you use last?
I love your smile.

94. Which movie star would you not mind having breakfast with?
Owen Wilson.

95. Have you ever told a lie you wished you could take back?

96. Blond or Brunette?

97. Did you like this interview?
Yes, you wrote it

98. What time you go to bed?
As if you don’t know…

99. Do you solemnly swear to have told the truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?
if I believed in “him” completely, yes.

Comment from D: “Thankyou for the questions. They were fab and fun to answer.

Until we next tweet.

Mr Darwin Blake.

The Almost Famous Author.


About sophielief

I am a mother, wife and chef in a restaurant in the Netherlands. I am around food fulltime and obsessed by it. The challenge is to live life with type 2 diabetes and manage my overweight with this obsession and profession in the foodindustry. I am 41 years old and my favourite color is pink.

3 responses to “Almost 100 questions for the Almost famous poet

  1. Ali g ⋅

    Who knew one word answers could be so funny

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